Monday 31 January 2011

analysis of a title sequence which inspires you !

In class we watched the title sequence of the thriller film 'What Lies Beneath'. As a group we analysed this very closely and found out a few things.

-State the Production & Distribution companies. How are they introduced? What purpose do they serve at the start of the movie?

The production and distribution companies which were introduced are :
.20th Century Fox

These were introduced partially to attract audience and publicity for the film as the names of these companies are very well known forproducing great films.

-List the information that is included in the title sequence.

.Production Company
.Distribution Company

-The sequence timeline: Enter the start and end times of the film opening, and the plot the title sequence along the line.

Start 00:00 - distribution company (20th Century Fox)
         00.29 - Image Movers company
         00.54 - 20th Century Fox and Dreamworks presents
         01:06 - A Image Movers production
         01:17 - Main title (WHAT LIES BENEATH)
End  02:44 - Sequence ends

-Film title? Where exactly is this placed (start,middle or end)?

The title is in the middle.

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