Friday 28 January 2011

Livetype and Sound: SKILLS


After we learnt how to used Final Cut Pro we were introduced to Livetype which is a program we will use for creating our title sequence. This program has many features such as creating titles writing on our film with different animations, fades, different font types, colours etc. We were given a short time to play around with the software although I learnt how to create a title position to how I want and change the font colour. I done an example and used the text 'Your Highness' at first it was in a normal font however I changed the font to something 'girly' added pink and positioned it according to my preference. 


We then used the Sound program which allowed us to add sound effects, accents and motifs. I found that there were plenty of sounds to choose from hand claps, laughters, chilling musical refrains and a variety of genre to choose from. The aim of using this program was to give us some knowledge for when we use it for our final thriller opening. After we experimented the software individually we got together as a group and chose a backing track for our bag swap task. In the end we used a beat from the beginning to the end of the clip which was full of action, tension and pace. Considering our bag swap including plenty of running and moving about this backing track suited our clip. Below is a screen shot of the sounds being applied to clip. 


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