Monday 17 January 2011

Introduction to cameras 'Skills'

We were introduced to the safety hazards of working a Film Camera that will eventually use to shoot our opening sequence of our Thriller films. We basically learnt the fundamental valuable skills and responsibilities that I that we had to be aware of when filming.

 Main safety factors when using the Camera’s
As part of a lesson, and practicing to use the camera’s while remembering the safety rules we were told to recreate our own bag swap scene using a maximum of 12 shots. We as a class watched the Bag Swap scene from the movie 'Collateral'. This was used to help us try and establish how the actors were and what we had to reconstruct. We also as a group had to create a storyboard of what we hope to achieve before we began to film. This gave us a chance to come up with ideas and locate actors.

  • Don’t go out filming in bad weather conditions e.g. Rain and Snow
  • Don’t film in dangerous locations e.g. Railways and Train tracks.
  • Return on time: There are only 15 cameras in the Media Department. In turn there is excess demand for cameras; therefore if one person doesn’t bring their camera back on time they are taking up someone else’s valuable recording time. It is vitally important that we plan when we need them and book them before-hand, and return them when they are due.The lens of a camera is its most expensive feature and we must make sure it is closed at all times. This is because if the lenses are open we are increasing the chances of any damage to them.
  • We were also introduced to the skills involved in using a camera. I have learnt that when recording in a dark room, the light intensity is quite low so therefore pressing the ‘gain’ button will improve the quality of footage. This is because it intensifies any light exposure in a limited area.
The Bag Swap Task
As part of a lesson, and practicing to use the camera’s while remembering the safety rules we were told to recreate our own bag swap scene using a maximum of 12 shots. We as a class watched the Bag Swap scene from the movie 'Collateral'. This was used to help us try and establish how the actors were and what we had to reconstruct. We also as a group had to create a storyboard of what we hope to achieve before we began to film. This gave us a chance to come up with ideas and locate actors. Look at the opening of 'Collateral' bag swap moment.

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